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Group Therapy with Sandra Larsen, CPT

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Sandra is a member of our network team of clinicians who led group therapy within our private clinical trial. Her group work emphasizes nervous system regulation, polyvagal theory, and tools in support of past trauma and chronic pain.

We’re happy to report that her group is now open for once per week 60-minute sessions for interested customers! This group will be hosted on Thursday afternoon at 5:00 PM PST.

In Sandra’s own words regarding her therapeutic orientation:
Transformational as per the works of Gabor Mate, Peter Levine and Steven Porges (Polyvagal theory) David Berceli and Deanne Adamson. I have worked with chronic pain sufferers in an Integrative Pain Rehabilitation Clinic after suffering a spinal cord injury and rehabilitating myself successfully. Whether you seek help for Psychedelic Integration, soft addictions, other states of pain and suffering, or just stagnation in life, my coaching support can help you integrate and cultivate lasting change within yourself. Pain and suffering of any kind signals an opportunity for change; thus, the process of healing is about personal transformation, not merely about eliminating the suffering.

If you’d like to participate in Sandra’s group, the cost is $30 per session billed in 4-week intervals. We encourage you to try this for a month in support of Wellness and Self-Care!


